Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1996 Atlanta Kodak, Xerox, Sponsor

1996 Atlanta Sponsor

1996 Atlanta Kodak, Xerox, Bausch & Lomb Rochester.

Enameled large pin says Rochester at top in gold writing on back rectangle shape box. To left side is an Olympic torch with orange flame next to a white circle. In the top of the circle it says 1996 and below that The Olympic Sponsor City. there are a series of buildings and even water flowing into rocks all outlined in gold. the circle sits on a dark blue patch then the whole pin sits on a white rectangle that has Official Sponsors of the Olympic Games with colored Olympic rings below. On the right side it has Kodak in red, Bausch & Lomb in blue and Xerox in red. Texture gold back says 36 USC 380 Imprinted Products, San Diego (619)541-1180 Made in China.

Approx. 1 3/8" x 1 1/8" Pin Back

$7.00 - Available - NEW


  1. I used to collect these same exact pins when i was a kid. That same year the olympic torch was run right down the street where i live. My school made a big deal out of it, and everyone got the entire set of these pins. I wish i knew where they were now, many items like this are worth a little bit of money these days.

  2. Awesome pin.

    I've got a Kodak Atlanta 1996 pin 'Kodak Centennial Olympic Games' pin, have you any idea how much it might be worth?
